On this term I have worked with the program called PSeint, that is used to learn programation and to resolve algorithms. I have made three different projects with this technological tool:

The first project consists on giving a list of all the prime numbers less than one given.

This are the codes that gives the instruction for the function.

This is the result of the function and it gives you all the prime numbers less than 36.

The second project consists on writing different numbers and the function order to return them organized. 
This are the codes used to make the correct function.

This is the result of the function that organize the numbers given from the minors to the majors.

The third project consits on giving one number and the function orders to give you all the numbers that are lesser than it and appear on the Fibonacci list.

This are the codes used in order to prepare all the Fibonacci numbers that are lesser than the one given. 

This is the result of the function and as we can see it gives you the apropiate numbers of the Fibonacci list.


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