

This is the second project of the third term. I have used some applications such as BlueGriffon to edit the website that I had to change. It consists on four sections which I have to change. I have made my website about a flight agency. The first section of the website is called the homepage and it gives a general information of the entire website. The images of this website are: The second section gives information about the prices of the flights of every company. Here are some images for you to see how it is: The third section have information about the services of different companies during the flights. Here is one image of this section: The final section contains information about the different types of aeroplanes of each company. Here are some examples of this section: This is the end of the website.


On this term I have worked with the program called PSeint, that is used to learn programation and to resolve algorithms. I have made three different projects with this technological tool: The first project consists on giving a list of all the prime numbers less than one given. This are the codes that gives the instruction for the function. This is the result of the function and it gives you all the prime numbers less than 36. The second project consists on writing different numbers and the function order to return them organized.  This are the codes used to make the correct function. This is the result of the function that organize the numbers given from the minors to the majors. The third project consits on giving one number and the function orders to give you all the numbers that are lesser than it and appear on the Fibonacci list. This are the codes used in order to prepare all the Fibonacci numbers that are lesser than the one given. 


I have done my data base and my tables in group with Ismael Leal and Paolo de Miguel. Firstly we did the tables for our bussiness with LibreOfiice. We made diffrent tables: one for suppliers, one for clients, one for products, one for countries and another for transactions. This is the table of suppliers:  In this table we have 61 dates. This is the table of transactions: In this table we have 103 dates. This is the table of clients:  In this table we have 62 clients. This is the table of countries:  This is the table of products: In this table we have 81 dates. When I finished all the tables we created the data base with LibreOfffice Base creating tables with the same information and copying from the previous ones. Here is an example of the table of the clients: When I made this tables I had to gave a number for the space of each date and I created a primary kley for every table with the option of editting the tables. When I finished the tables I creat


I have created a videogame with appinventor. It is a multiplayer game about races of cars. The cars are moved through two buttons placed at the bottom of the screen and there is an extra button that restarts the game. Here you have an image to see how it is placed. When the cars arrive to the top of the screen appears an indication that says what car has arrived first to the top of the screen, in other words, what car has won the race. Here is an image to show how I have created this game. Finally here you have the link to play this game if you want: ai2.appinventor.mit.edu/?galleryId=5512861182984192 The procedures that I have used for this application are: On the first block I have gave the order of moving the the red car when you press the yelow buton. On the seond block I have gave the order of moving the yellow car when you press the blue button. On the third and the fourth block I have gave the order of replace all the objects in the same place when you p
PACMAN I have done the shape of this pacman modifing the shape of the circle with the nodes and the same with the eyes. I have done a radial degraded of the colour and also for the shadow. MODIFIED PACMAN This is the same pacman but I have modified it doing a hat modifing the nodes of a circle shape. COMIC CHARACTER   I  have done this character tracing with lines a simillar image and applying the colour inside the figures. PERSONAL CHARACTER I have done this person drawing it with lines, applying colours inside the figure and making one radial degraded to the colour of the T-shirt. LANDSCAPE I have done this landscape tracing a simillar image with the funcyion of making lines and in the colour of the sea and clouds I have added a degrade of the colour to make the shadows in the sky and in the sea. LA HABITACIONDE ARLES  I have done it tracing this famous painting of Vince